Meet Central NY Artist


It all began with a dream of creating the ideas that I imagined since childhood. The paintings seem to paint themselves when I take time to simply breathe and enjoy the beautiful backyard gardens I’ve created with my husband.

The places that make me feel the happiest are sitting by a babbling brook or a roaring ocean.

My fascination with history inspires me to connect my art with story and imagery! I love creating story in my art by adding people who are enjoying nature or being part of a community.

I have spent many hours sitting by the Erie Canal and the countless water ways in Central NY…with my sketch pad and paint bag in hand. The hours fly by as I capture the beauty and serenity.

Elizabeth and her daughter in front of her booth.

Syracuse Arts & Crafts Festival 1979


Art Exhibitions

  • Syracuse Arts & Crafts Festival

  • Lilac Fest

  • Beaver Lake Arts & Crafts Fest

  • Oswego Arts and Crafts Festival


Multiple Genre over 6 decades

Diversity in the arts:

Displays created by Elizabeth:

Permanent art installations:

The Art Works Gallery

Commercial and fine arts studio

Launched a career in the visual arts including instruction, graphic design and art sales.

More coming soon