Artwork, Puzzles & Gifts

  • Artwork by Elizabeth
  • Two small retro lamps on tabletops

A look back through time

“. I grew up around the Erie Canal. I could spend all day reading and learning about the history of these communities who built our trade industry. I loved creating all the different people and think about the experiences of the people that pioneered these beautiful waterways. I wanted to show about the work people did in those days. This is such a rich historical area and people miss the incredible stories. That’s what I wanted to portray with my artwork.”

Acrylic Paintings

Art & Imagery


Artist, Elizabeth Dardis

Inspired by nature and history, she brings life to both with an inventive approach for honoring both. Enjoy rich colors, intense detail and the profound use of imagery as Elizabeth reveals story with every stroke.


– New Artwork

  • Sales Page Coming Soon

  • Sales Page Coming Soon

– Puzzles by Elizabeth Dardis

Enjoy rich colors, intense detail and the profound use of imagery as Elizabeth reveals story with every stroke.

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– Artwork by Elizabeth

Inspired by nature and history, she brings life to both with an inventive approach for honoring both.

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